International Workshop on Metrology for Sustainability
BENEVENTO, ITALY - December 6, 2024
Reforming Undergraduate Education for GReen and Sustainable Development in Armenia and MolDova
RE-GRAD project aims at supporting reform of the undergraduate education in Armenia and Moldova enabling the shift from traditional to inclusive, digital and green oriented curricula in support of sustainable development.
Specific Objectives that project:
Fact-funding analysis of current situation of the policy, practices and issues for academic programmes design and teaching approaches in Armenian and Moldova HEIs with a focus on development of green skills and digitalization
Capacity building training of the staff from involved PC partner institutions on European experience of Green Deal and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into higher education policy and approaches
Training of the staff from PC partner institutions on design of outcomes-based undergraduate programmes integrating SDGs and as outcomes and practice-oriented teaching and learning
Revision of Sectorial Qualification Framework (SQF) for selected undergraduate programmes in Armenia and Concept of Education for Sustainable Development (CESD) in Moldova
Redesign and piloting of 8 undergraduate programmes (including teaching and learning approaches) at the PC HEIs in line with SQF and CESD
Partnership agreements for cooperation activities after lifetime of the project.